Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson – From South Africa To South Carolina (LP)
¥2,200 税込
本日のSelection for UGMB insta movieは、Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jacksonの名曲「Johannesburg」に始まるアルバム「From South Africa to South Carolina」です。
アパルトヘイトについて興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ、映画『遠い夜明け(Cry Freedom)』をご覧ください。名優デンゼル・ワシントンが、人権活動の最中に惨殺された闘士ステーブ・ビコを演じています。
US ORG. Press 1975.
Cat#: AL-4044 (Arista)
Genre: Soul/Funk
Songs List;
A1. Johannesburg
A2. A Toast To The People
A3. The Summer Of '42
A4. Beginnings (The First Minute Of A New Day)
B1. South Carolina (Barnwell)
B2. Essex
B3. Fell Together
B4. A Lovely Day
Jacket Condition: SC
Vinyl Plate Condition: EX
Said what’s the word?
Tell me, brother, have you heard?
From Johannesburg?
Tell me, what’s the word now?
Sister, woman, have you heard?
From Johannesburg?
They tell me that our brothers over there are defying the Man
And we don’t know for sure because the news we get is unreliable, man
Yes, I, I hate it when the blood start flowing
But I’m glad to see resistance growing
Somebody tell me what’s the word?
Tell me, brother, have you heard?
About Johannesburg?
Now what’s the word?
Tell me, woman, have you heard?
About Johannesburg?
They tell me that our brothers over there
Refuse to work in the mines
They may not get the news, but they need to know
We’re on their side
Yeah, now sometimes distance bring misunderstanding
But deep in my heart, I’m demanding
Somebody tell me what’s the word?
Tell me, brother, have you heard?
About Johannesburg?
I know there’s something happening
Tell me what’s the word?
Sister, woman, have you heard?
About Johannesburg?
And I know that they’re struggling over there
That ain’t gonna free me
Yeah, but we've all got to be struggling
And if we wanna be free
Don’t you wanna be free, free?
Somebody, hey
We ought to come together
They tell me that our brothers over there
Refuse to work in the mines
They may not get the news, but they need to know
We’re on their side
Yes, I, I hate it when the blood start flowing
But I’m glad to see resistance growing
Somebody tell me what’s the word? (Johannesburg)
So what’s the word? (Johannesburg)
So what’s the word? (Johannesburg)
So what’s the word? (Johannesburg)
So get it from the drums (Johannesburg)
So haven’t you heard? (Johannesburg)
You gotta get one (Johannesburg)
Somebody tell me what’s happening
In Johannesburg
The Valley is like Johannesburg
New York is like Johannesburg
Freedom ain’t nothing but a word, ain’t nothing
Said what’s the word? (Johannesburg)
Said what’s the word? (Johannesburg)
So haven’t you heard? (Johannesburg)
Somebody tell me what’s happening
In Johannesburg
You know it’s like Johannesburg
Detroit like Johannesburg
Freedom ain’t nothing but a word, ain’t nothing
But a word
So let me see your I.D
Let me see your I.D
It could be you instead of me
Johannesburg, now
CC:CORNER CUT / カット盤 - 角が切り落とされたもの
DH:DRILL HOLE / カット盤 - 丸い穴が開けられたもの
SC:SAW CUT / カット盤 - 細いスジ状のきりこみがはいったもの
RW:RING WEAR / ジャケットにレコード盤の形に沿って円形状に擦れがある
WC:WRITING COVER / ジャケットへの書き込み
SOC:STICKER ON COVER / ジャケットにシールが貼ってある
S:SEALED / 新品未開封
M:MINT / 開封済み、新品同様のきれいな状態
NM:NEAR MINT / MINTに比べ若干の使用感のある状態
EX:EXCELLENT / 多少の傷、スレあり。音質には支障のない良好の状態
VG:VERY GOOD / 目に見える擦り傷やカビなどにより、プチノイズなど若干音質に問題がある状態
G:GOOD / 頻繁なノイズ音、また音質の劣化のある状態
P:POOR / 針飛びや欠陥などにより再生不能な箇所がある状態
¥2,200 税込